Femke BoersmaCommunication Officer


Femke Boersma has been working as a Communication Officer for the House of the Dutch Provinces since 2021. As Communication Officer, she is responsible for the collection, analysis and dissemination of information about European policy that is relevant to the provinces.

She is also responsible for the internal and external communication strategy of the House. In addition, she writes articles in her role as editor-in-chief for the newsletter ‘De Europese Ster’ which we publish on a weekly basis together with Kenniscentrum Europa Decentraal. She keeps our members informed of the latest developments within European policy. She also manages the communication channels, such as social media and the House’s website, and is responsible for the communication around our meetings.


Prior to this position, Femke completed her two masters in European Governance at Masaryk Univerzita in the Czech Republic and Utrecht University in the Netherlands. During this master, Femke worked as an intern at Neth-ER in Brussels. She also completed a bachelor’s degree in Public Administration and Organizational Sciences at Utrecht University. During this bachelor, Femke followed a minor at the University of Haifa, in Israel, on Arab-Israeli relations and the Arabic language and culture. She is fluent in Dutch and English and has a good command of German.

From 2023 to 2025, Femke is the board member in charge of Strategy & External Relations at the Hartmans Young Professionals for Europe (HYPE) network.


E. boersma@nl-prov.eu